
Below please find a list of the most frequently used abbreviations in Chromeleon, the online Help, and the manual:

APS Automated Purification System

ARC Automated Run Completion

AIA Analytical Instrument Association

BCD Binary-Coded Decimal Code

BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol (Internet protocol)

CAN Controller Area Network

CD Compact Disk

CDS Chromatography Data System

CE Capillary Electrophoresis

CFR Code of Federal Regulations (often synonymous with 21 CFR Part 11)

CM Chromeleon® Chromatography Management System

CMB Backup container/file (file name extension)

CMS Chromatography Management System

CS Cluster Server

DAC Digital Analog Converter

DHCP Dynamic Host Communication Protocol

DNS Domain Name Server

DX Dionex

EMF Early Maintenance Feedback

GC Gas Chromatography

GLP Good Laboratory Practice

GMP Good Manufacturing Practice

GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus

HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography

IC Ion Chromatography

IPC Chromeleon Instruments Server or Instruments PC

IQ Installation Qualification

ISTD Internal Standard

LAN Local Area Network

LIB UV Spectra Library (file name extension)

LIC Chromeleon License Server

LIMS Laboratory Information Management System

LOD Limit of Detection

MAC Media Access Control address (unique address of each network interface card)

MRA Mass Rate Attenuation (Flow Splitter)

MS Mass Spectrometer

MSV Motorized switching valve

NFP Network Failure Protection

ODBC Microsoft Open Database Connectivity

OQ Operational Qualification

PAN Control Panel for chromatographic system control (file name extension)

PDA Photodiode Array Detector

PGM Control program for chromatographic system control (file name extension)

PN PeakNet® Chromatography Management System

PPA Peak Purity Analysis

PPI Peak Purity Index

PQ Performance Qualification

PWA Purification Workflow Automation

QNT Quantification method for signal interpretation and evaluation (file name extension)

QRF Query file (file extension)

RDF Report Definition File; includes the layout definition for the report and export (file name extension)

RPC Remote Procedure Call

RSD Relative Standard Deviation

SDK Software Development Kit for Chromeleon

SEQ Sequence; that is, the sequence of samples plus the corresponding files (file name extension)

SFM  Sample and Fraction Manager (see the related topic in the Administrator Help section)

SIM Selected Ion Monitoring (MS channel for specific masses)

SOR Signed Off Results (File) = signed sequence

SQL Structured Query Language (computer language)

SSM Safety and Solvent Monitor

SST System Suitability Test 

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (class of Internet protocols)

TIC Total Ion Current (MS channel for the entire mass range or a part thereof)

TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic

UDP User Datagram Protocol (IP communication protocol)

UDC User-Defined Column

USB Universal Serial Bus

VCD Virtual Channel Driver (driver for virtual devices)

WSP Workspace; that is, the definition of a screen layout (file name extension)


For a list of the Institutes and Institutions for Industry Standards, refer to the Glossary section.